A 1-Pizza.com Investment Will add Value to Your Pizza Brand
Use 1-Pizza as a Shortcut to Your Website!
For the same reasons Pizza Hut bought pizza.com
Connects with customers now.
- Adds another ‘facing’ for competitors to battle.
Locks competitors out of the game
- Make competitors lose the list visibility war.
- 1 comes before the letter A
For the same reasons Pizza Hut bought pizza.net
More content pushes competitors down in Organic Search Results
Makes competitors spend more for visibility.
Escalates the war beyond 2 for 1 Price Offers
Clever Integrated Pizza Marketing for Internet and Phone
1-Pizza looks like a phone number
Easy to remember
Makes the name 1-PIzza a rocking cool ‘memory’ trigger
Alphabetical superiority in phone lists tops AAA Competition
1-Pizza.com is shortest pizza domain name that has ‘added value’ and makes sense to humans.
Everyone will remember that 1-Pizzza looks like a phone number when they pick up a phone to order. (if you have crappy cell phone service you know why people still call to order pizza)
Only 1-Pizza can compete with pizza.com
- 1-Pizza can become the best competitor for Top 10 organic search results.
But there is more…